For a long time, RaceCapture/Pro has offered GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) connections that let you control devices such as lamps, alert indicators, relays, and more. Now that we’ve released our new plug and play connector standard, we realized you’d probably want an accessory to plug right into the system!
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The GPIO sensors are easy to plug in and come in 4 colors – Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow.

Controlling the LEDs is done through our powerful and easy to use Lua scripting. You can do things like:
* Create an engine temperature alert indicator
* Create an oil pressure alert indicator
* Create a low fuel level alert indicator
* Create a transmission temperature alert indicator
* Create a low coolant pressure alert indicator
* Create a shift point alert indicator
* Combine multiple sensors together and only display an alert based on the logic you define.
Use one of our many examples to get started!
What would you use an alert indicator for? Let us know in the comments!