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RaceCapture/Live is becoming Podium!

As many of you may already know, we plan on making Podium the place for motorsports enthusiasts to share and compare their racing data. We also have RaceCapture/Live, which teams and racers around the world use for realtime analysis and sharing their racing telemetry. This week, they are joining forces; RaceCapture/Live will be rebranded as Podium on March 31st. But don’t worry! All your racing data and information will be safe and sound.

Podium’s mission is to be a common platform for all motorsports data, even data not recorded with a RaceCapture device. Our first step in that direction is for RaceCapture/Live to become Podium.

All of your RaceCapture/Live account information, telemetry data and profiles will be exactly the same. The only thing that will change is the URL and colors of the website. All functionality will be identical.

We’re excited to begin building out all the awesome social features of Podium, here’s a few mockups of what we have in mind:

Podium social feed shortPodium event no laptop


What does this mean in technical terms?

On March 31st, we will begin redirecting all traffic to RaceCapture/Live to Podium. Any links to will be redirected to

Will I need to create a new account?

Your account information and data will be exactly the same. Your will use the same username and password you used on RaceCapture/Live for Podium.

Do I need to update my RaceCapture/Pro configuration?

Nope, RaceCapture/Pro will continue to work with no configuration updates.

What happens to all my old links to RaceCapture/Live?

We will redirect all traffic from RaceCapture/Live to Podium. Example: A link to an event page on RaceCapture/Live will redirect to the same event on Podium.

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